Sacred Winds Ministries

Christian outreach through music and education.

2014 Summer Program

SWE_June14God’s Song of Salvation:  Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King


Domine ad Adjuvandum from Vespers (1610) by Claudio Monteverdi
transcribed by Scott Bersaglia

Prophet | Luke 24:25-27

Speak, O Lord by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Priest | Isaiah 53

Give Us This Day by David Maslanka

Who Would Strike You? by Johann Sebastian Bach
No. 15. Chorale. “Wer hat dich so geschlagen”
from St. John Passion, BWV 245

Gloria Patri from Vespers by Claudio Monteverdi
transcribed by Scott Bersaglia

Amazing Grace  by John Newton
setting by Frank Ticheli

King | Revelation 5

Laudate pueri from Vespers by Claudio Monteverdi
transcribed by Scott Bersaglia

Before the Throne of God by Charitie L. Bancroft and music by Vikki Cook

Oh Lord, Let Thy Loving Angels by Johann Sebastian Bach
No. 63. Chorale. “Ach, Herr laß dein lieb Engelein”
from St. John Passion, BWV 245

A Joyous Ceremony by Carter Pann


All Hail The Power of Jesus Name – Coronation
Setting by Barry Milner

Sicut erat, Amen from Vespers by Claudio Monteverdi
transcribed by Scott Bersaglia

June 15 at 3 PM
Allen Baptist Church
Prestonsburg, KY 41653

June 16 at 7 PM
The Centre for Rural Development
Somerset, KY

This is concert is made possible through partnerships with Allen Baptist Church of Prestonsburg, KY and Grace Baptist Church of Somerset, KY and by the generosity of our ministry partners. There is no admission charge.


"Their spiritual unity and commitment to their collective mission—as well as their superb musicianship—allow them to play as one, under the inspired leadership of their conductor."

Teresa Alzadon, Soprano
Staff Sergeant, The U.S. Army Field Band

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